Home / Quality Policy Quality Policy
The Management of CISRV, in order to ensure the quality of the services provided and the performances rendered, has decided to continuously develop an effective Quality Management System suitable for ensuring the quality level of services and performances, to guarantee compliance with applicable rules and laws and to satisfy the specific expectations of the interested parties.
Excellence in the quality of services rendered to the interested parties is the driving force of the Center and its primary objective.
The center responds
For reports and suggestions for improvement write to: cisrv.ovud.unina@gmail.com
The mission of the Center
To develop and enhance services for research and teaching activities, also through the best use of instrumental resources, laboratories and complex equipment in the field of morphological and functional diagnostic imaging, with ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, in the context of veterinary disciplines and those related to them, like applications used in laboratory animals.

To collaborate with public and private entities in the implementation of actions in the Veterinary Health area and research projects using Diagnostic Imaging

To offer public utility services and consultancy to freelance professionals, companies and individuals
The objectives of the Center
To take care, in the context of Diagnostic Imaging, of the management of complex services and equipment commonly used by the Departments that established the CISRV and by the University structures that request to participate in the Centre’s activities;
To put at the service of Public or private Subjects, the equipment at its disposal and the know-how for the management of complex equipment for diagnostic imaging in the field of Veterinary Radiology.
To contribute and promote teaching and research activities of the University which require technical-specialist skills in the field of Veterinary Radiology
To carry out Diagnostic Imaging investigations and consultancy for educational and scientific purposes, as well as at the request of freelance veterinary surgeons.
The Center has managerial, regulatory, organizational and expenditure autonomy in accordance with the current University Regulations for Administration, Finance and Accounting.
For its functioning, the Center has financial resources independently acquired from outside or made available by the participating structures in proportion to their involvement in the activities and use of the Center’s structures
Customers and/or interested parties
Expectations / needs
Assistance and development of research, service and support for studies of the University Departments in the field of Diagnostic Imaging.
Management of complex machinery Consulting, applied research Radiological services on behalf of third parties
8 Decree of the Director PG/2022/0001680 of 10/01/2022 ratified by the Management Board n. 1 of 2/2/2022
9 The price list of the services is updated annually according to the ISTAT index pursuant to article 5 paragraph 2 of the University Regulations for the regulation of activities on behalf of third parties and the transfer of research results issued with D.R. DR/2022/323 of the 01/02/2022