Home / Prestazioni / Computed Tomography Exams Computed Tomography Exams
The services offered by our department are dedicated to all private and non-private users who need radiological investigations for animals
Computed tomography (CT) is a technique that uses X-rays to provide images of sections or 3D reconstructions of the body. La TC può essere eseguita sia su singoli distretti anatomici che, in caso di attrezzature elicoidali multistrato, sull’intero corpo.
CT examinations, given their relative length (a few minutes) and the frequent need to administer an iodinated contrast medium, are performed on deeply sedated subjects or under general anesthesia.
CT is very useful for the evaluation of spinal column pathologies (discospondylitis, herniated discs, traumas, congenital malformations) and some osteoarticular pathologies such as elbow dysplasia.
It is also used for the preoperative screening of cancer patients to evaluate the presence of primary tumors or metastases in the lungs, abdominal organs, male and female reproductive systems and the CNS. Finally, CT is particularly useful for the characterization of vascular anomalies such as portosystemic shunts.